Fekete Szerecseny Patikamúzeum
Pharmacy to the Black Saracen

Fekete Szerecseny Patikamúzeum

The reconstruction of the pharmacy bulding at Rákóczi str. No.3 szám according to the status of the 17-18th century between 1984 and 1988. On the ground floor there is a Biedermeier Officina from1850-1860. Behind it we can find a 17th century pharmacy-furnishing and historical exchibition. The last pharmacist family of the building, the Küttel family has a wonderful history in Kőszeg!

On the first floor, there is a Pharmaceutical historical library, in a neo-renessiance pharmacy interior from Kőrmend.

The esthetic outfit of the other Pharmacy museum in Kőszeg is surely more enchanting, nevertheless the professional content of this museum may be found greater.

Fekete Szerecseny Patikamúzeum
Cím: Kőszeg, Rákóczi u. 3.


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