Saint Florian Statue
In medieval towns Saint Florian had a special respect. The late baroque style sculpture was done in 1810. At the feet of the saint one can see the court of arms of Kőszeg.

Saint Florian Statue

The biggest fear of the medieval towns are the pests and the firestorm. The closely knit wood-covered houses gave the ’read cock’ further in qucik minutes.

The respect for Saint Florian started in the 15th century. In the 18th century there were more large fires in Kőszeg, the biggest of all in 1877 and 1878. Florian had a sculpture at the upper gate, where his day was celebrated. In 1721 a bell was consecrated to him, and in 1778 the Magistrat ordered daily prayer to him for every citizen! The new sculpture was consecrated in 1810.

The modern age fire association of Kőszeg celebrated its 150th Anniversary in 2018 – also at the Sculpture of Saint Florian!

Saint Florian Statue
Cím: Flórián tér



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