Dreiszker’s Sanatorium
The Sanatorium was built in eclectic style, and opened in 1894. It contributed highly to the tourism in Kőszeg, as visitors arrived from far to enjoy the therapies and the bath.

Dreiszker’s Sanatorium

The Sanatprium was built onto cold-water therpeutic methods. The Priessnitz cure as well as the Kneipp cure was highly practised. Cold water covers, curative baths and other technics to alleviate fevers and inflammatory diseases was applied. The institute was found at the feet of the Calvary-hill. The method suits Kőszeg: finding the harmony of the body and soul with the help of the elements: the air, the sunshine, the water and the climate. Between the 2 WWs, the Sanatorium served for the asthmatic patients. Today it is a merry home for old people.

The building is a living memorial for the curative strength of the climate in Kőszeg. The air, the forest and the water is so clean, that preparations started to receive official curative certification. Many families moved to Kőszeg for curing their asthmatic sympthomes – and stayed healthy ever since.

You pass the Sanatorium when walking to the Calvary and also when approaching the boating lake of Kőszeg.

Dreiszker’s Sanatorium


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