St. Emeric’s Church
The Church was built between 1615-1618 from the donations of the citizens to serve the Hungarian protestant community. It was given over to the catholics in 1673.

St. Emeric’s Church

As concerning the Saint Emmerich titel, it was given in 1703 by the Wienerneustadter bishop. After the arrival of the Jesuits, it became the parish church of Kőszeg for more then 100 years. The building is of gothicizing style, willingly figuring the elements of the neighbouring Saint James church. The main altar owns a Saint Emmerich painting, with St. Petrus and St. Paulus beside, while on the two sides of the Altar the two Hungarian royal saints, St. Stephanus (also the father of Emmerich) and St. Ladislaus are standing. The Altar is the work of Stephan Dorfmeister, the younger. Today, the Church stays under the care of the Croatian Community Government of Kőszeg.

St. Emeric’s Church
Cím: Jurisics M. tér



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