Dr. Nagy László EGYMI (former Military School)
In 1853, construction began on a building modeled on the cavalry barracks, in which the military higher education institution began operations in 1856. From the 19th century onwards, the institution played an important role on a permanent basis to this day.

Dr. Nagy László EGYMI (former Military School)

If you leave Sacred Heart Church and have a look at the Golden Ostrich Hotel on the right, you can enter the scene of the novel School at the Frontier. In the novel, one of the main characters, Gábor Medve’s mother, spends a few nights in the hotel. If we start to walk towards Dr. Nagy László EGYMI, the former Matthias Hunyadi Military School, we walk on the same way as Medve did in his mind in his diary. Géza Ottlik was a student of the school from 1923 to 1926 and his novel School at the Frontier was inspired by the years he spent there. In the building complex we can find the scenes of the novel, including among others the canteen, the former chapel, and the hospital. Walking in the surrounding park, we can feel the atmosphere by which the novel was inspired.

The construction of this building started in 1853, and in 1856 a military boarding school started to operate. In 1875 it was reorganised as a military school, providing officers for the Imperial Army. The institution was overtaken by the Hungarian Army in 1918. After the Treaty of Trianon, military education continued in the building, which then was named after Matthias Hunyadi. In 1945, the school was relocated to Germany, and the buildings were occupied by the Hungarian Army. Until 1956 a Soviet military hospital operated on the premises. The National School for Children with Special Needs was established in 1958. The present name of the school is Dr. Nagy László EGYMI.

Dr. Nagy László EGYMI (former Military School)
Cím: Kiss J. u. 31.



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