Alpokalja Guesthouse
The year-round guest house is located on the border of Kőszeg, next to the main road 87, 1.8 km from the historical city center.

Alpokalja Guesthouse

Coming from the direction of Szombathely, the first possible accommodation is Alpokalja Guesthouse.
Thanks to its location, the pension guarantees a marvelous view to the picturesque Kőszeg Hills and Alpokalja.

The friendly, relaxing atmosphere makes this place ideal for families and companies of friends, and even for bigger groups.

It is also worth mentioning that the famous Hungarian actress Judit Pogány used to be the guest of this pension whenever she was working in the area.

There is a restaurant attached to the guesthouse, where Hungarian dishes and game meals can also be enjoyed. Breakfast only, full service or half-pension is also available for those who stay here.

Alpokalja Guesthouse
Cím: Szombathelyi u. 8-10.
Telefon: +36 94 563 251


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